
Department of Health Student Health Service Centre at the West Kowloon Government Offices, and the Secretariat of the Medical Council of Hong Kong, Wanchai

Elephant has recently completed two projects for the Department of Health: the first is the installation of Public Address, Intercom and Audio-Visual systems at the Student Health Service Centre and Dental Health Clinic at the West Kowloon Government Offices.

The West Kowloon Government Offices Student Health Service Centre (SHSC) offers health promotion and disease prevention services for primary and secondary school students. The centre operates under the Family and Student Health Branch of the Department of Health, and provides services to about 32,000 students in each academic year. Primary and secondary day school students who have enrolled in the Student Health Service are given an annual appointment for health assessment at an SHSC to receive services meeting the health needs at various stages of their development. These services include physical examination; screening for health problems related to growth, nutrition, blood pressure, vision, hearing, the spine, psychological health and behaviour; individual health counselling; and health education.

The second is the installation of Public Address, Audio-Visual, and Simultaneous Interpretation systems in the new medical hearing room at the Department of Health’s new Secretariat of the Medical Council of Hong Kong, located in Guardian House in Wanchai.

The Medical Council was founded to assure and promote quality in the medical profession in order to protect patients, foster ethical conduct, and develop and maintain high professional standards. Empowered by the Medical Registration Ordinance, Cap. 161, Laws of Hong Kong, the Medical Council handles registration of eligible medical practitioners, administers the Licensing Examination, issues Code of Professional Conduct and guidelines, as well as maps out a disciplinary mechanism to handle complaints lodged by members of the public and to exercise disciplinary actions to the medical practitioners.