
HiFi Review – Products of the Year 2018 – CD Transport & DAC Audio Note CDT Six & The Fifth Element

“The more I listen to this Audio Note’s split-type CD setup, the more I think its sound quality is similar to a premium vinyl player (with a moving coil step-up transformer and vacuum tubes).”
“One can clearly hear Audio Note’s intense flavour, a distinct allure that comes from the sound of vacuum tubes.”
“This Audio Note CD combo also has a domineering presence — not from beating drums and gongs, but rather a regal aura that is expressed through the music.”

“This setup has a certain magic that can re-enact the agile staccato finger movements of the concert pianist [Evgeny Kissin]. Each and every one of his ten fingers can be ‘seen’ flying and dashing across the keyboard, with remarkable confidence and control in the speed and strength.”
“Excellent dynamic contrast, with a regal and colourful presence.”


HiFi Review – March 2019