
Tube World Monthly – Audio Note Meishu Tonmeister Phono Silver Integrated Amplifier

“Pairing it with Audio Note’s Moving Coil Transformer Brings it to New Heights

… Audio Note’s other forte is its MC step-up transformer. Yours truly therefore decided in the end to bring out the MC transformer in residence – the Audio Note AN-S1.”

“The AN-S1H shines with its true colours as a copper transformer, where its rich and thick voicing especially when playing vocals, and the stable and dense texture of its sound blows even pure silver MC transformers out of the water. When it plays large-scale classical performances, the sound emanating from the concert hall and the shape of the stage gives listeners a precise perspective. When the music ebbs and flows towards the climax, it keeps you listening on your toes…”

“I-Ching, the Book of Changes states, ‘Notes of the same key respond to one another; creatures of the same nature seek one another.’ The same principle applies here with the Meishu Tonmeister Phono Silver and the AN-S1H step-up transformer. The MC transformer is a must for aficionados who intend to play with the Phono version of Meishu Tonmeister, unless you are planning to stick with MM cartridges for the rest of your life.”

–       Charlie Ma

Tube World Monthly – May 2020