
Audiotechnique – Einstein The Phonoamp

“I put The Phonoamp through a series of tests at home and listened to 30 different vinyl records of different genres, from vocals to instrumental, pop to classical, solo to big band, studio to live recordings, whatever popped into my mind. With every record I put on, The Phonoamp kept winning points, points, and more points. The reason being, the Phonoamp did not enhance the music to make it sound better; rather it was as though it didn’t exist – it didn’t sharpen the sound and didn’t limit or suppress the liveliness of the original recordings. In other words, I deeply felt its “amplification” and its RIAA-level fidelity which were done in a subtle, almost unnoticeable way. It kept the full flavour and all the details in the music without adding anything artificial.”
“Another feature of The Phonoamp that impressed me was its sense of presence… These soft subtle details [in the background noise]… are precisely the important elements that recreate the ambiance, so when I listen to live recordings from my collection of vinyl LPs, whether it is classical music, jazz or pop, The Phonoamp makes you feel as though you are at the recording site.”