
Audiophile – Listening Chapter Audio Note Meishu Tonmeister Phono Silver Integrated Amplifier

“When it comes to the audio effect, the Tonmeister Line has an extremely broad range and musical tolerance, and its sound flows as fluidly and coherently as running water and moving clouds. This is a remarkable improvement over any previous model of Meishu.”

“The Tonmeister Phono Silver’s inter-stage and output transformers are visibly bulkier and more heavy duty, and its structure and workmanship are more elevated. The internal Phono Silver pre-amp is shrouded in mystery as though it were a black box. According to the makers, the circuitry of the phono pre-amp each uses an ECC83 and an ECC88 valve.”

“Going by the sound effect of the replay coming out of ALTEC A5 speakers, whether it is the three-dimensionality, or the focus of the sound field, the performance has much improved compared to the standard model in the Tonmeister Line. Surely this has to do with the Tonmeister Phono Silver’s better quality transformer, and the more precise parts to go with it.”

–       Charlie Ma

Audiophile  – May 2020